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I'm in the camp that rinses their chicken, same with turkey. My turkey may get a rinse with lemon juice.

Strict Rule:

Nothing and I mean nothing food-wise sits or soaks in my sink. Not even greens. That is what colanders are for. I use a disposal pan when I clean my turkey.

Don't get me started on pets. Make it make sense!

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I douse my chicken with hot sauce first.


Generously season chicken. I beat my chicken like I beat my face.


In a large bowl, I add my flour and season the flour. I add dried onion flakes and Everything Bagel Seasoning. It adds crunch to the skin.



I coat each piece of chicken individually and place each piece in a large oblong container that has a lid. I line the container with wax paper. I love wax paper.

I coat the bottom of the container with my flour mixture before the chicken is added, so it won't stick.

You can shake the chicken in your flour mixture in a clean never before used brown or plastic bag instead of coating each piece individually. 

When people use bags they have used from the grocery store, I think it's gross. I'm a little OCD.

Chicken in container.


I pour any leftover flour on top. I shake each piece before putting into the oil.

I put the chicken in the fridge. This can be done overnight. There should be enough loose flour to lightly re-coat the chicken before frying.

If I am not doing it overnight, I put it in the fridge while I clean up and get my pot and oil ready for frying or maybe wait a half hour or so before frying. 

I had a country Seargent from Alabama that told me coating and refrigerating the chicken overnight makes the coating stick during frying.

Note this step is not necessary but I like it.

Heat oil on medium heat until it is hot but does not smoke. Throw a dash of flour in and see if it sizzles.

I like to add 4 or five wings at a time. I want to be able to flip them. I don't stack the pot, I prefer to do batches.

Cook until golden brown. Flip and cook for about 8 minutes on each side. Use your eye. The biggest mistake is having the oil too high, it should not be on max.

Nothing is worse than undercooked chicken or dry chicken.

Let's not forget the under-seasoned chicken, which is a crime I see committed daily.

I use a sharp knife and poke a few holes gently in each piece. I hold the chicken down with my tongs while I poke so I do not disturb the coating.

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