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Tea Tree Oil is that girl! 

Make Something!

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Ask your doctor about Biotin if you have concerns.


Biotin did not give me any issues or side effects.


I recommend it for Hair Growth along with the proper all-natural hair & scalp serums.


The key to my hair growth was biotin, a PROTECTIVE STYLE, and a GOOD stylist. It took two years. I had a weave the entire time. My stylist can work wonders.


I did the BIG CHOP last year. Going natural. How does it look?  It looks like Ronnie Lee from Schitt's Creek. 

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When I share my DIY skincare alternatives people are hesitant for a few reasons.


1. Too much trouble. - (Not at all once you get your foundation. It only takes a  few minutes to whip up the perfect blend.)


2. Store-bought convenience


3. Believe store-bought is better and/or expensive means better.


I recommend googling your issue dry hair/skin, frizz, blemishes, etc, and find out what ESSENTIAL OILS, CARRIER OILS, and NATURAL PRODUCTS  help with your issue. You can always ask me questions. Twitter@thatdamelana


Look at your favorite products and check out the ingredients. Do you recognize them? Alcohol causes dryness and you don't need to pay for water.

Nature makes the best!

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Dry Hair serum

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Get a bin, basket or designate a draw for your products. You will have everything you need before you know it.


If you've noticed all the high-end hair care brands are using essential oils, shea, and other types of butter.


Suddenly, everyone discovered Tea Tree Oil & Shea......

Get your supplies, spray bottles, containers, roll-on bottles....

Some formulas require dark bottles. 

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Creating your own signature scent is a great idea. Play with floral notes, wood notes....whatever you like.



This doesn't mean you give up your favorite scent, WE LOVE OUR FAVORITE PERFUME. Your personal blends are a unique alternative. I like to give my potions as gifts.


I like to make a fruity spritz in the spring and summer. I love a cool Rose Spritz anytime I need a pick me up.

Below are a few random products I've found. This lotion is $54. Check out the ingredients. You can make this better and for less. Trust there is only a drop of the key butters. You are paying for water and preservatives.

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$72! No! ma'am. The secret is out, now that you know what it is consider making beauty products. It is very simple and worth it.

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I'm all for indulging in your favorite products.

The more you do your homework you will find you can indulge for less money.


Take your savings and go shoe shopping.  :-)


$39 No! Ma'am. Water is the main ingredient in all of these products.  You can get everything to make these cremes from your local store or good 'ole Amazon.

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You should not have many reservations about using a MAYO HAIR MASK.


If you are comfortable with store-bought products with miscellaneous ingredients, you should feel good about eggs, avocado, lemon, strawberries, honey, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, bananas etc...

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I googled and placed some recipes below. Please do this, so many easy DIY's.
Nourishing Mayo Masks are good for ALL hair types. So many to try for every hair problem.
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I only offer an opinion on products I have used or I am SURE about.

If I do not know I will say it.

I am the opposite of a Pioneer Woman, by no means do I make everything I use. I try to not get duped by paying for inferior products.

I like this Mayo. I purchased this one the  most.  


I am lazy for buying the Mayo. Look at the ingredients.


Egg protein & Oliver Oil,  Herbal Extracts...stuff we can whip up in a bowl in a minute.


Nourishing your hair with store bought products that have alcohol and other harsh ingredients creates a step forward, one back.


Seriously, why are we not making this or using regular MAYO?


I'd like to think I'm at least as smart as Big ED. 

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This is the shampoo I am using. I use a variety of shampoos. I look for the KEY ingredients. I've never made shampoo before.....let's not get crazy. :-)


This shampoo works fine and it smells delicious. Use it after a Mayo Mask and you won't smell like an egg salad sandwich. 


It is for ALL hair types. African Pride makes good NATURAL beauty care products.


Aqua is the first ingredient, why don't they say water.....tricky! :-) 


This shampoo is packed with goodness, all the products that I've mentioned.


Olive oil, fruit oil, coconut oil, ginseng root, horsetail, jojoba, avocado, shea butter, etc...... 


After I wash my hair I use my hair butter.


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