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Hawaiian King said I'm that Bitch!

**Not exactly those words but let's roll with it.

ROLL with it, drum roll please. lol!


What had happened was...

Just my normal Thanksgiving cuisine. I make a Ham, Turkey or sometimes I order from my favorite diner. This year was ham, a request from my son, BAM.

Bam Thanksgiving.JPG
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I know it's just a couple of likes. Hawaiian King rolls were a part of my childhood and my mother's favorite. I like that they searched their name and found my food worthy of a couple of likes. 

2020 2.JPG
sandwich 2020.JPG

I'm not exaggerating when I say I live for a sandwich and a soft sweet Kings Hawaiian Roll.

king 2019 4.JPG

I think this sandwich is 2021?

hawaian rolls turkey sandwich.jpg

Not every QUEEN needs a KING to sit by her throne but you better have a few CROWNS.

my crown 2.JPG
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