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  • Writer's pictureThat Dame Lana


Borrowed from Twitter.

Extremely unpopular take. I hate chicken thighs, especially baked. The sight and smell gross me out. I know how juicy they are, blah, blah, blah. All the chefs in my family especially my Dad cooked them often. I declined and my Dad was trained by a French Chef. My sister is a big fan and a good cook. She came in 2nd of Rocco DiSpirito's show. If I were to eat them, I'd eat theirs. They can cook and of course season properly.

What I mostly see from the average Joe is bland chicken with salt and pepper and some SweetBaby Rays BBQ sauce on top. I don't like that sauce either.

Gag me.

Any top Chef cooks chicken thighs. I don't need a lesson in their glory.

Michael Voltaggio couldn't make me, or maybe he could. lol!

The biggest menace cook on YouTube. I'll give her credit she has decent tips on how to use an Air Fryer. Anything she makes is bland and must taste like paper mache. She is truly scared of seasoning. Her name is perfect at least she knows her lane and her target audience. The bad thing is when someone gets an Air Fryer she's like the go-to YouTuber, by the algorithm. If she knew how to cook she could introduce seasoning to the ones who aren't aware of how flavorful food could be. Because "we" know.

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