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  • Writer's pictureThat Dame Lana

Dog Park - Special Delivery (12-9-2022)

What is going on? It is rare that something wacky goes down at the park, when it does the neighborhood Mrs. Kravitz is there to catch it. I only have one neighbor and he's the nicest guy. A homebody you would never see him even if you stayed here a year. He works and pulls in his carport and poof he's gone. I'm the official neighborhood watch because I'm home more. My neighbor is pretty nosey too. He's called me before to ask if I saw this or that. LOL!

It was a rainy day the park is empty. I see a blue Jeep that's backed in the park. It didn't alarm me. I wondered why it was there, that's the nosey in me. I wasn't even sure it was occupied. I saw FedEx on my street, only two houses he could be going to. I thought maybe a package for me. I wasn't expecting a package, a rare occurrence. My neighbor never gets deliveries. I am a bit ridiculous with Amazon Prime.

FedEx pulls into the dog park and I think he was going to use the park bathroom. The mail carrier does that even though they are NOT supposed to ever leave the mail truck unmanned. The Jeep guy exits his vehicle and gets INSIDE the FedEx truck. He makes two trips. I count at least six packages. He loads the packages in his Jeep and then goes back to the FedEx truck and gives the driver a HOODIE. WEIRD!

I had my handy binoculars and took a little video for my blog. Something fishy was definitely going on.

I'm not a Karen, I observe. Karen would have called 911 and said she was in danger. I knew I was witnessing a caper. Of what capacity I'll never know.

FedEx pulls up

Jeep guy has packages he's already taken out of the FedEx truck by the side of his Jeep.

After he is done loading his Jeep with packages, he gets something out of the Jeep and brings it to the FedEx truck.

It is a grey hoodie. Very odd exchange.

Both vehicles leave the park. I assume this is one of those "fell off the truck" capers. My created story is the FedEx driver is the Jeep guy's friend. Of course, I don't know but it's not a bad guess.

This caper needs theme music.

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