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BIG BROTHER - Time Capsule / BB15

Updated: May 8, 2021

I found an old blog post from 2013!!!!

2013! that means it was a post I made during racist Big Brother 15. I can't find anymore posts with that blog name, maybe I just made that one page about Andy. BB15 had me HEATED! No wonder I had to release. I despised him more post season because he acted as if Live Feeds didn't exist. I found a video too (lawd), which is embarrassing. I posted it below.

I've been a BB superfan since Season 1, grown, with feeds. I know these BB streets, back alleys & tunnels. Big Brother has not been enjoyable in years. The last few seasons have been garbage.

Anywho, let me humiliate myself and post this old Andy rant, titled The Andy Factor. LOL!!

I've always had an obsession with putting dates on things. Even though most files will tell you the original date created, I usually add it in the name of the file.

The main reason why I know exactly, when, where and what is going on in old pictures is because I used to write a novel on the back...everyone's name in the picture, the date, where we are, etc..

The number one key to scrapbooking is proper archiving. You think you will remember all the names of people in pictures or events and 10/20 years down the road, you won't.

I know we have the mysterious cloud. I still download all my cell photos to a mini-hard drive. I believe in a back-up for the back-up. I don't know Ms. Cloud.

The video is dated September 13, 2013, which tells me BB just ended. Based on my babbling , this incomplete video was my rant about people defending the players and the GAMEPLAY post show. Players and stans had too many lame excuses for what went down in that house. Most of it was NOT gameplay. It was racists showing out and not getting their asses beat.

I know there must be a final edit of this video somewhere. This had to be an outtake (a mess). Like what am I saying in the beginning? :-)

Wacky Andy Rant

My office was a hot mess. BB live feed days were brutal. Staying up 24/7, watching feeds, snacking, and apparently blogging about a hypocritical rat. I see Andy really worked my nerves....still does. He is insufferable on social media.

I said Live Feeds were brutal because I have not found a recent season worth my time watching all night. The players have been so vile and very few can be tolerated for any length of time.

BB15 - Cesspool Water!!!!!

BB16 - Trash! (set-up for the pig)

BB17 - Good

BB18 - Lukewarm (still more on the Trashy! side. I liked some of the drama. Wrong winner & I can't stand Paul now)

BBOTT - FIRE! (wrong winner, this chick thought she was in Sun Bathing City until reality hit and her unwashed legs sister got the boot.)

BB19 - Super Duper Trash! (Glad Josh won)

BB20 - Gutter Trash!

BB21 - Landfill Trash!

BB22 AllStars - MAGA Trash!

BB23 - Fuck Off! ( I know I will tune in the first night.) eyes roll

The only players I acknowledge from BB15 PERIOD!!



This bitch never made it back to traditional corporate AmeriKKKa. She's lucky other racists give a fuck about her bland ass fake influencer shit. She can choke!

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